Archive for category Visual Novels

Some quick thoughts on Clannad’s Misae route

Hello again. Two nights ago, I ran through Misae’s route. I don’t have too much to say about it, but I figured I’d jot down a few things. For those who have forgotten her, Misae is the very attractive, very competent, twenty something dorm mother for the boy’s dorm (where Sunohara lives). Interestingly enough, I almost played through Misae’s route when I was making at attempt at Tomoyo, but accidentally veered off course and ended with a no girl bad end.

Note: I am going to say quite a few negative things about this route, but overall I did enjoy it! Also note that Misae’s route doesn’t properly end until you beat Tomoyo’s. I haven’t done that yet, but I doubt my feelings will change once I do (and if they do, I will just make note of it).

Possibly best girl. Or at the very least, the smartest, least dumb girl.

Possibly best girl. Or at the very least, the smartest, least dumb girl.

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Some quick thoughts on the Clannad VN and the Fuko route

I recently stayed up two nights in a row (sleeping during the day instead) playing Clannad (which, by some strange power of the universe, is now on Steam). I have only played through one route (and failed another), but I figured I’d jot down a few thoughts. Note: Spoilers, but if you have seen the anime, there is nothing new being spoiled here. That said, it has been many years since I saw the anime, so, my memory of it is hazy.


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